Thursday, December 26, 2019
Extraction And Visualisation Of The Kiwi Fruit And...
Title: Extraction and Visualisation of the Kiwi Fruit and Strawberry Fruit DNA Introduction: All organisms have DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) in the nuclei of their cells. The aim of this experiment is to extract this DNA using common household detergent to breakdown the cellular membrane then through the use of ethanol to extract the DNA from the Kiwi and Strawberry fruit. After the DNA has been extracted the DNA will be visualised by agarose gel electrophoresis which is done by adding a dye to the extracted DNA then being placed in the gel, once the negatively charged DNA has been placed in the gel it will slowly move towards the positively charged end (anode) then is viewed under an ultraviolet light then compared to the control of known lengths of DNA to show the size of the unknown DNA samples. Materials Methods: The requirements for this practical are a small sample of diced kiwi fruit, detergent, zip lock bag, 1-10mL auto-pipette, chux cloth, water, funnel, conical flask, 15mL test tube, ice (in esky), texter, ethanol, small plastic hook, 1.5mL eppendorf tube, micro-centrifuge, paper towel, 10-200uL auto-pipette, distilled water, heat block capable of reaching 55â °C, agarose gel, intact plasmid (pBluescript), salt, linearized plasmid (cut once), linearized plasmid (cut twice) cut with restriction enzymes, tips for both 10-200uL and the 1-10mL auto-pipettes, safety glasses, an ultra-violet light and a camera to capture the results are needed to complete the experiment.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Science And Mind Altering Drugs - 1549 Words
Mankind has become more intellectual and creative than ever before. The human has learned to adapt and learn new ways of crafting society to be more functional. New sciences and technologies have developed at an exponential rate and then those new ideas blossom off of other ideas. This growth of ideas is similar to the process of dialectic. As this idea develops, counter ideas known as antithesis develop. The thesis and antithesis struggle between one another and convey about a new idea called a synthesis. The Synthesis contains the best of both, but creates a new antithesis as the synthesis ages. Various sciences have gone deep into human research and the makeup of the human anatomy. Scientists have become further innovative and have been able to clone people and make designer babies. Certain drugs and enhancements can also alter the way we act and think as human beings. Amid all these new alterations and being able to create life we have to ask ourselves, what is a human person? B efore advanced science and mind altering drugs people would say in many instances that the person is a mind and a soul. There are many different definitions for what a ‘person’ or in many cases what a ‘human being’ is. I decided the best definition for a person to use would be the philosophical definition, which, is a self-conscious or rational being. This is a definition that makes us try to understand what is and what isn’t a person. However, this definition is simple and shouldn’t be our onlyShow MoreRelatedTotalitarianism in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell1270 Words  | 5 Pagestotalitarianism, which is a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society. First developed in 1920 by the Italian fascists, and in particular Benito Mussolini, who ruled Italy for over twenty years, totalitarianism embossed the minds of those who lived under it. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Pathophysiology Cardiovascular Diseases
Question: Write an essay on Cardiovascular Diseases? Answer: Cardiovascular diseases have become a common disease in recent times. There are several factors that are associated with the development of the disease and these include genetic factor, high blood pressure and cholesterol. The involvement of genetic factor can be determined either from the genetic tests or from the family history. The disease can be developed either through the mutation of the gene or from any inherited mutated gene. A person having a family history of cardiovascular disease is prone to the development of the disease due to the inherited genetic factors. In these cases, it is recommended to adapt some measures in order to decrease the risk of getting the disease. According to Baker (1997), the disease can be caused by a single gene or many genes can associate to cause a disease. Another factor that is associated with the inherited diseases include whether the inherited gene is dominant or recessive (Your gene your choices, ch-2, p 19). If the gene is recessive, then the chance of development of the diseases is very low, again if the gene is dominant, then there is increased risk of disease development. The strength of the gene is another factor, in which stronger expression is associated with increased risk (Your gene your choices, ch-3, p 30). Changing the lifestyle of a person with inherited risk of developing cardiovascular disease can help the person to avoid heart attack or stroke. The lifestyle factors that increase the risk include tobacco smoking, lack of physical activity and having high fat diets (Heidemann et al., 2007). All these factors are associated with increased risk. Changing these life style habits is associated with the reduced risk, greater life span and better life. The studies have shown that about 10% of all cardiovascular disease is due to smoking. There is an increased risk of 25- 30% in persons who smoke (, 2015). References: Heidemann, C., Hoffmann, K., Klipstein-Grobusch, K., Weikert, C., Pischon, T., Hense, H., Boeing, H. (2007). Potentially modifiable classic risk factors and their impact on incident myocardial infarction: results from the EPICPotsdam study. European Journal Of Cardiovascular Prevention Rehabilitation, 14(1), 65-71. doi:10.1097/01.hjr.0000238392.19847.4c,. (2015). Tobacco: the totally avoidable risk factor of cardiovascular disease | World Heart Federation. Retrieved 12 June 2015, from Baker, C. (1997). Your genes, your choices. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Full Monty Film
The Full Monty is a unique piece of virtual production in that superbly it captures the imagination of its audience. With unique and diversified production the movie stands as one of the few clearly polished and refined cinematic productions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Full Monty Film specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is supported by the films smooth editing, clear pictures and audible sound. More so, the story line is easy to follow and relate with the action backdrops. The uniqueness of the film lies in that it’s sensational and it has a simple tone that is easily identifies with common public. The plotline is structured along the venues of drama and this makes this production to attain theatrical tone. In addition the manner the characters have been developed and allotted diverse roles borders on theatre. The core attributes that makes this production to border on theatrical perspective rel ates to the manner the producer created loveable characters. This is achieved by interweaving their individual challenges with the plot, and then have their challenges tackled within the extent of the very last five minutes. Also, Gaz, the lead character exposes theatrical dynamism which gives the play a touch of real theatre. The comical aspects also make the production to expose its theatrical side. Basically, the cast generates to a great deal the dynamics associated with conventional play which deviates from the screen. The Full Monty is predominantly set in a distinct location in England. The production exposes it cinematic platform in the manner the directors incorporates the diverse post-production aspects such as editing, lighting, location and continuity. These attributes makes the film to have a distinct taste and tone that resonates with the plot and theme of the film. Therefore, the major cinematic features of the film entails diverse use of both sound and light effects, use of amplified props to create a diverse scenes as well as using core camera moves such as panning, zooming and tilting to give the characters distinct attributes.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The amplification of terrific scenes gives the movie the fine glamour that sets it again the natural backdrop associated with Sheffield. Also the manner the sound is projected gives the movies dialogue a more profound edge. Compared to such production as Chicago, A Few Good Men, the film is definitely hilarious and well developed. Regarding its pictorial attributes it has friendly screen resolutions and the color, language as well as the entire composition is friendly. This is complimented by a dialogue that takes the audience through the films plot with an equal degree of witty repartee including a heartfelt emotion. This demonstrates that the film producers as well as the directors managed to replicate the conventional life correlated with the Sheffield community. However, the use of extreme comics in some instances contributed in making this film to less successful. It should be noted that the film is in essence a British comedy that revolves around a story of six unemployed males, among them being for steel workers who opts to create a male striptease as to raise adequate funds to move to another place. Though, the film is hilarious, poor setting and background preference did not augur well with non-British viewers. It should be noted that the replication of Sheffield in the film is different from the Sheffield on the ground. Despite the fact that the film was shot on location, it fails in some scenes to bond the aspects of tragedy, comradeship, employment and personal relationships in a more comical manner. Also, some of the apparent scenes exposes run down areas which do not form any part of Sheffield. Therefore, the real picture of Sheffield is not carrie d adequately in the movie.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Full Monty Film specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The success story of the film can be attributed to the sensational scenes. It ought to be noted that the movie opens up with a critical insight into the 25 years down the line of prosperous Sheffield. Then it catapults 25 later to ghost industrial town where survival borders on chance after the steel factory was closed. The dramatic aspects which are eye catching begins to unfold where Gaz illustrates the challenges of unemployment with the poster of Chippendale Dancers. The manner the lead characters embraces the ideas fronted by Gaz made the film an instant hit. Also, the diverse awkward and funny scenes generated in the movie played a critical role in making a success. Some of these scenes include Gaz performing a striptease in an abandoned old garage illustrating how it is done to his counterparts. Gaz moves are incredible and captivating and this makes it a must watch comedy. By laughing at themselves the characters injected a desire to watch the film again and again. Hence, the awkward circumstances the film exposed paved the way for its success among the British viewers. Given a similar treatment to such productions as Doubt, Proof, Hamlet, Chicago, or A Few Good Men, The Full Monty stands as a classic piece. This is testified by the manner diverse camera and artistic attributes were incorporated to give the film a comical touch. However, the only challenge is the piece ends abruptly which is not favorably with the viewers. This essay on The Full Monty Film was written and submitted by user Francis Huffman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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