Sunday, May 24, 2020
How The Utilities Industry Changed The Us And Gis Essay
12/12/2016 Utilities in the US and GIS GIS is critical to the utilities industry in the US. It allows them to perform mundane tasks that they are required to perform with new levels of ROI (return on investment), safety, and man-hour efficiency. It also allows them to save the taxpayer a substantial sum of money yearly, and also the ability to remain profitable while billing for less. In this paper, I will first discuss some of the basic ways that the utilities industry in the US is using GIS to achieving all of these things, then into each part of the electrical utilities industry and then delve into some of the more technical items used by the industry and their function within the industry as a whole. Geography, as defined in the Cambridge dictionary is â€Å" the study of features and systems of the earth’s surface, including continents, mountains, seas, weather, and plant life, and of the ways in which countries and people organize life within an area.†(3) Therefore, I think it is important to defi ne the history of electricity to give perspective, and its physical properties on a smaller scale to help understand larger concepts from a power engineering perspective. Unfortunately, there is a lot of relevant information to cover before GIS is brought into fruition. Electricity had always been in a rather elementary and simple form of static electricity, until people discovered we could harness its properties to conduct work, light spaces and various other uses.Show MoreRelatedGeographic Information Systems2343 Words  | 9 PagesInformation System (GIS) stores and links non-graphic attributes of geographically referenced data with graphic map features allowing for a wide range of information processing and display operations, as well as map production, analysis, and modeling. A working GIS is composed of hardware, software, data, people, and a set of methods. Using these components a GIS is capable of storing, manipulating, and managing data, then subsequently analyzing, visualizing, and modeling the data. 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All the money they make goes into their pockets and even though they make an effort to show how many great programs they have in prisons, if they put half as much money into the systems as they keep for themselves then the country’sRead MoreA Needs Assessment Survey in a Gastroenterology Endoscopy Community of Practice12128 Words  | 49 Pagesexpansion of Internet connectivity around the world. Relationship of Literature Gap to Capstone Project Some of the identified gaps in the literature will frame the structural elements, professional networking preferences, and delivery format of how to design and implement the first phase of the gastroenterology endoscopy CoP project. A needs assessment survey will elicit these elements. Learning, exchange of information, and knowledge are important features of a CoP. In the case of the needs assessmentRead MoreStatement of Purpose23848 Words  | 96 Pagesimportance of the statement of purpose increases, as Robert M. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
The Great Apostle Paul and the Law Essay - 2206 Words
The Great Apostle Paul and The Law Who is this Apostle Paul and why is he so important in the way we refer to the Law? The discovery of who Paul is seems to strike most new believers as surprising and refreshing. Giving them the ability to dig into part of the Bible’s past. Conclusions to these findings make the words of God comprehendible. Thus, the problem is not that there is something wrong with the Law; rather, what Paul criticizes is the wrong attitude toward the Law. (Koperski) Paul’s past is full of dark, sorrowful moments that evolve into a story of light, hope, and structure. The presence of the Lord helps Paul become one of the most known writers in the New Testament, the Holy Bible. His greatest contribution consists†¦show more content†¦John Drane makes an intriguing statement in his book Paul: Libertine or Legalist. He mentions that Paul’s writings weren’t written with the intentions of being read. Does this explain why Paul’s words are perplexing? (D rane) Galatians is a letter to the churches of Galatia. Purpose of the letter is to warn churches of deceptive teachers. It was also to argue that Gentile Christians did not have to take part in the Jewish Law. (Kuula) Paul wrote to remind them of the message of salvation. How to live in a way that follows the Lord and the Lord only. In attempts to understand his justification of the Law, it is important to identify the urgency of the letter. Judaizers were in constant movement to have Galatians repent against Paul. Paul’s battle was primarily with Judaizers and their attempts to pull Galatians from the ways of the Law and the Lord. They accused him of â€Å"watering down†his gospel in order to please a specific audience. According to Colin G. Kruse, he needed to prove both his independence and validity. Without the following of Galatians, how was he to teach the Law? (Kruse) Throughout the book of Galatians, Paul referees to circumcision on many occasions. The term of circumcision is not always to be taken literally. In the Jewish community, circumcision is a physical act of removing the foreskin around the penis. In accordance to the New Testament, it is â€Å"the feast of Circumcision of Chris†. (Oxford) ThisShow MoreRelatedThe Influence of Paul the Apostle663 Words  | 3 PagesPaul the Apostle is considered to be the most influential of the early members of the Christian church, along with Simon Peter and James the Just. Saint Paul is said to have been born around AD 5, and considered to have died about AD67, though the Bible does not record his death specifically. The epistles written by Paul to the churches were plainly and sharply worded. Pauls writings make up a good portion of the New Testament and demonstrate his position of prominence as an apostle of the earlyRead MoreThe Life And Writings Of Paul Essay1313 Words  | 6 Pag esThe life and writings of Paul Paul the Apostle, also known as Saul of Tarsus, is one of the most important figures in the New Testament. A man who dedicated his life into persecuting Christian later converted and became the person who wrote more books than any other writer in the New Testament (Picirilli 2). Paul did not start his life the same as the person he was at the end, he was neither a Christian nor a supporter of Christianity. The initial life of Paul was rugged and hard. He was raised asRead MoreSt. Peter Essay943 Words  | 4 PagesBiography of Saint Peter After Jesus, Saint Peter is the most known and quoted Apostle in the New Testament. 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The apostle Paul, who once rejected Jesus Christ, later became one of the greatest men of God. In the history of the Christian church, he was the most significant missionary. He was faithful to the Lord and preached Jesus Christ and His crucifixion. Paul was a devoted missionary and he taught the gospel wherever he visited. This character study will focus on the life of Paul as a missionary and how he changed the course of world history. Lesson One: The Background of Paul I would likeRead MoreActs of the Apostles Essay examples1496 Words  | 6 PagesActs of the Apostles Chapter 1 This chapter deals with the ascension of Jesus to heaven as witnessed by his apostles. Shortly after the ascension, the eleven apostles set forth to Jerusalem where they discussed the need to replace Judas. They proposed Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also known as Justus, and a man named Matthias. They gave lots to them and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he became the replacement for Judas. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How The Media Portrays Prisons Into The Examination Of...
Orange is the new black is a Netflix original television show, which follows the journey and experiences in the correctional system of Piper Chapman who is played by Taylor Schilling. Chapman is a bisexual women who gets sent to Litchfield correctional Institution to serve a 15 month sentence for transporting a suitcase full of drug money to her former girlfriend Alex Vause, portrayed by Laura Prepon.Vause is an international drug smuggler and dealer. Chapman was charged with criminal conspiracy. The occurrence for this charge happened ten years prior to getting caught which gave her time to move forward in life and become a law abiding citizen in New York’s middle class. When Chapman began serving her sentence she was reunited with Vause who originally called her out in trial which resulted in her arrest. The show follows not only Chapman’s fight to survive the prison lifestyle and culture but also follows the life of other inmates and the prison guards. This essay wil l incorporate how the media portrays prisons into the examination of entering prison is experienced, prison management and prison guards. It will also provide an in depth examination on the adjustment of prison culture and prisonization. Finally, there will be an analysis done on women in prisons focusing on the different roles of inmates. Media Overview In many ways Orange is the New Black conforms to the classical views implanted in the population’s mindset by the media about prison and prison life. It isShow MoreRelatedWeek 1 Sociology Notes1548 Words  | 7 Pagesperspective and the assumptions this perspective is based on. The sociological perspective puts emphasis on the social context in which people live in and how these contexts influence their lives. At the center of this perspective is the question of how groups influence people, especially how people are influence by their society. Sociologists will look at how income, jobs, education, gender. age. and race affect people’s ideas and behavior. Summarize the main points of Karl Marx’s theory of class conflictRead MoreAlternative Learning Systems9735 Words  | 39 PagesArticles Sociology of the Prison Classroom: Marginalized Identities and Sociological Imaginations behind Bars Teaching Sociology 39(2) 165–178 Ó American Sociological Association 2011 DOI: 10.1177/0092055X11400440 Kylie L. Parrotta1 and Gretchen H. Thompson1 Abstract The authors use sociology of the college classroom to analyze their experiences as feminists teaching sociology courses in the ‘‘unconventional setting’’ of prison. Reflective writing was used to chronicle experiencesRead MoreRacial Stacking in Football4286 Words  | 18 Pagespeople, they will not be dropped anytime soon as sport is an institution that is typically reluctant to change. Although it will be difficult, in order to implement change in the future we must first understand where these stereotypes came from and how they impact the institution of sport, in this case football. By analyzing the stereotypes of African Americans, Caucasians and Asians in football, society can look to try and eliminate the close mindedness of those who believe in such labels. 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It also keeps the students more engaged in the material. 1-2 Accounting Information Systems 1.4 How do an organization’s business processes and lines of business affect the design of its AIS? Give several examples of how differences among organizations are reflected in their AIS. An organization’s AIS must reflect its business processes and its line of business. For example:  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  · 1.5 Read MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words  | 696 Pagesamong employees. B) It has empowered consumers with easy access to information. C) It can be used as a powerful sales channel. D) It has facilitated mass marketing but not the sale of customized products. E) It enables marketers to use social media to advertise their products. Answer: D Page Ref: 14-15 Objective: 4 AACSB: Use of IT Difficulty: Easy 46) The ________ process consists of analyzing marketing opportunities, selecting target markets, designing marketing strategies, developingRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesWILEY SONS, INC. VICE PRESIDENT PUBLISHER EXECUTIVE EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER PRODUCTION ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE MARKETING MANAGER ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER MARKETING ASSISTANT DESIGN DIRECTOR SENIOR DESIGNER SENIOR MEDIA EDITOR George Hoffman Lise Johnson Carissa Doshi Dorothy Sinclair Matt Winslow Amy Scholz Carly DeCandia Alana Filipovich Jeof Vita Arthur Medina Allison Morris This book was set in 10/12 New Caledonia by Aptara ®, Inc. and printed andRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesIA John Wiley Sons, Inc. Associate Publisher Executive Editor Senior Editoral Assistant Marketing Manager Marketing Assistant Production Manager Senior Production Editor Freelance Development Editor Senior Designer Interior Design Senior Media Editor Senior Photo Editor Production Management Cover Design Cover Credit George Hoffman Lise Johnson Sarah Vernon Amy Scholz Laura Finley Dorothy Sinclair Sandra Dumas Susan McLaughlin Kevin Murphy Laura Ierardi Allison Morris Hilary Newman mb
The Supreme Strategy to Nroc Camouflage Analysis Essay Samples
The Supreme Strategy to Nroc Camouflage Analysis Essay Samples Type of Nroc Camouflage Analysis Essay Samples The price is extremely crucial because if our competitors provide a really low price, it may greatly influence our sales. Once costs are minimized to draw attention. By attaining more accurate info, the pricing might be examined and adjusted to stay competitive with the more compact companies. The other problem is shortage of resources, since a lot of the time we have a tendency to have more than 1 project running at the identical time and so we have an inclination to divide each resource on a lot of other projects. Nroc Camouflage Analysis Essay Samples Can Be Fun for Everyone When collectively the new product is going to be scrutinized, collective decisions will be produced too. Macro-environment The debut of a new product on the market is the headache of every manager. In order to make the most of efficiency and profitability, a new costing method has to be imple mented immediately. Poor pricing decisions can be created by not knowing how profitable each sort of customer is. With time, brand recognition will cause greater company profitability. Future Strategy In the true competition, we'll still use the extensive differentiation strategy in the very first round. Accordingly, by distinguishing our products with better performance and size, having high awareness in the industry, and effortless accessibility, we'll acquire a competitive advantage in the industry. Though the company is seasonal and there's a chance of the left over stock used within the next season, left of inventory holding is extremely considerable issue for Northco's existence. Each remedy is described in a different paragraph. But standardization isn't to be expected. Deployment can be a rather emotional process for military families and in some instances it may some long-lasting or permanent results. You will be supplied with a quick paragraph explaining the issue. First off, an introduction is utilized to establish your principal argument about the work analyzed. If you wou ld like your thesis to be classified as a thesis and not merely a useless sentence, utilize an extremely precise tone and specific words. Second, it can be worth your time tosketch out a succinct outline of your argument. A writing service can likewise be hired to make an example document. Within the analysis, your reply to the text also needs to be presented. An overview of the work is subsequently supplied in order to provide the reader a feeling of what the text is all about. Following this, a concise overview of the work is presented so the reader, who's perhaps not acquainted with the text, will be aware of what the text is all about. By doing this, you'll have a thriving paper. I understand this could be regarded as a stretch but it's an intriguing perspective to acknowledge. This option of clothing is extremely deceiving. Defensive camouflage is an ability of specific animal species to modify their colors to coincide with the environment in order to safeguard themselves from predators. When you are finished writing, you can return and look about your results to be certain your argument and your thesis coincide. The most essential part of the paper is the thesis. Keep revising your own idea till you get original and intriguing claims which you are excited to write about. Since some students are not familiar with this kind of writing, there are papers readily available online that may be put to use as an example. University essays can be extremely academically demanding. Rather than plagiarizing the totally free content, students may seek the services of a writer or a writing service to finish their essay in their opinion. Once a student finds an absolutely free example, they can't turn it into the teacher. Searching the Web Students can easily locate an example paper by searching the web. Nroc Camouflage Analysis Essay Samples White privilege is an issue that African Americans struggle with each day. As much as men and women in the world want to remove terrorism, it has to be appreciated that it won't be simple to achieve it. Religious based groups utilize violent functions as a divine method of accomplishing their mission on earth. Consequently, black men and women become categorized as stoners and then movies like How High are made dependent on these sorts of stereotypes.
Christian Ethics free essay sample
Christian ethics are theological teachings which govern decision making and the moral position of the Church based on various sources of guidance. These are traditions, church authorities, human experience, the Natural Law, the Bible; in particular Jesus’s Commandment of love, the Beatitudes and the 10 Commandments â€Å"You shall not steal†(Ex 20:15). HISTORICAL SETTING Christian ethical teachings vary between denominations for example, the Catholic Church places particular emphasis on Natural Law and authoritative bodies. The Protestant Church turns to scripture as its main source of ethical guidance due to the belive in â€Å"sol scriptura†(salvation through scripture alone, a belief originating in the Reformation of the Church. ) Despite these differences, the Bible remains the common source of morality among all denominations. Christian environmental ethics are specifically concerned with the belief in humanity’s role as stewards of the Earth and how this role should be responsibly undertaken being a privileged bestowed by God. Prominent issues within Christian environmental ethics include Climate Change and deforestation. Climate Change is defined as a long term change in the Earth’s climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature. There are many factors believed to be contributing to Climate Change. These include an overconsumption of fossil fuels which when used emit greenhouse gases. The Church’s stance on Climate Change is that it is the result of humanity abusing the role as stewards of the Earth by taking more than they need from it. Using the words of Pope John Paul II, Climate Change is caused by modern society being given to â€Å"instant gratification and consumerism. †There are many national and international Christian initiatives which aim to address Climate Change such as Caritas Australia’s â€Å"A Just Climate†campaign. Established in 2011, this campaign aims to promote ecological sustainability to minimise the impact of Climate Change. Its focus is the poorer communities of the world, being the most vulnerable to the effect of Climate Change such as rising sea levels. Its methods include: community awareness programs and facilitating participation of poor communities in national discussions. Internationally, the Ecumenical World Council of Churches (WCE) is an example of the Christian communities response to Climate Change. It has been present since 1992 at every United Nations Climate Change Conference and is especially concerned with the effect Climate Change has on the world’s poor, promoting the concept of sustainable communities. It’s motivation lies in Genesis 2:15 in which God entrusts Adam with the Garden of Eden â€Å" the Lord God, took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it. †Today, humanity like Adam has the obligation to the world as responsible stewards. Using the words of Pope Benedict XVI â€Å"The wonder of God’s creation reminds us of the need to protect the environment and to exercise responsible stewardship of the goods of the Earth Deforestation is the loss of forest cover being converted into things such as agricultural land, golf courses and cattle paddocks. Consequences are wide ranging and include soil erosion, extinction of tree species as well as the endangerment or extinction of animal species which inhabit these forests. The Church’s opinion of deforestation is similar to that of Climate Change. Responsible stewardship of the land would not have caused not have caused such damage as deforestation has done. Society’s role as custodians of the land is demonstrated in the Bible by the quote â€Å"The land is mine;) with me you are but aliens and tenants†(Lev 25:23). This excerpt illustrates society’s role as caretakers of the land and that the responsibility is to preserve the world. From this and other teachings found in the Church, it can be seen that the Christian ethical stance on forestation is that taking from the Earth should not be motivated by overconsumption but by sustainability. As Pop John Paul II said â€Å"Man cannot make arbitrary use of the Earth, subjecting it without restraint to his will. †Various Christian organisations established for the protection of the environment include Catholic Earthcare Australia (CEA), founded in 2003 by Australian Catholic Bishops. Its aim is to promote understanding of the sacredness of nature and functions as an advisory agent on ecological matters for Catholic Bishops and initiating sustainability programs. An example of this is the publication of â€Å"On Holy Ground†which is a faith based program for reflecting on environmental issues created by the CEA in conjunction with the Catholic Education Office (CEO). An international example of the Church’s response to deforestation and other sustainability issues is POPPA Benedict XVI’s address at the opening mass of World Youth Day Sydney, 2008. He states â€Å"There are also scars which mark the surface of our earth: erosion, deforestation in order to face and insatiable consumption. With such a large audience the message of sustainability was spread to many countries. CONCLUSION Ethical issues are significant to the adherents of Christianity as they provide a means to living based on the teachings of Jesus who preached love and respect for God’s creation. The growing environmental concerns of Climate Change and deforestation are examples of modern society’s neglect of the Earth and, by extension their obligations to caring for it. Christian adherents are therefore called to encourage change and sustainability in the world around them.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cognitive Development of Infants and Young Children
Question: Discuss your understanding of the physical development of children 0-8 years to present guidelines for child safety in a day care facility. Answer: Physical development of a child refers to the characteristics such as appearance, growth in size, height, body coordination and the development of fine and gross muscles. As they grow between 0-8 years, children develop motor skills such as jumping, throwing, climbing, running, skipping and kicking. It also includes body movements and body organization (Rivkin, 2006). Due to the busy schedule in todays lifestyle of most parents, day care centres have become an integral organization in the development of children. Sometimes parents; scared by the escalating cost of day care centres are forced to turn to in-home caretakers who might live down the street, watch children during the day and essentially operate their own business. However, such caretakers cannot be held to the same standard as larger operations. In choosing the appropriate day care centre for ones child, it is essential that a parent considers the day care facility that will ensure the safety of their children and not only emphasize on the cost. In the course of overseeing the physical development of a child, a day care facility should be able to ensure the safety of a child in the following ways: Toilet Training Children at a young age of 0-2 years are not able to use the toilet. It is essential for the day care to maintain the cleanliness of such a child by changing the nappy each and every time the child defecates. The child should be washed properly and immediately after changing the nappy the caretaker should wash his/her hands to avoid contamination which may lead to diseases such as diarrhoea. At an advanced stage 2-8 years, children are able to use the toilet. They should be trained on hygiene measures such as use of toilet paper and washing hands after visiting the toilet. The day care should also ensure that toilets are located away from the place where the children reside. Some children at this stage could also be introverts hence the caretaker should encourage them to speak whenever they are pressed (Bredekamp, 1986). Conducive playing environment The playing environment for the children should be clean, well ventilated, spacious, slippery free, have sufficient lighting, free of dangerous objects, well arranged and away from transport lines. Children should also be trained on first aid skills to assist them in case of injuries during play. The playing materials used by the children should be blunt, light to enable lifting, attractive, adequate and poison free (Diamond, 2011) Proper nutrition Food is essential for the health and holistic development of a child. The day care centres should give age appropriate diet to the children. For instance, parents of children below six months should be requested to bring breast milk for the children. For older children; above six months, they should be given a balance diet (Ormrod, 2013). Children should be given clean foods and encouraged to wash their hands before eating. Proper medical attention Day care facilities should advice parents on the health condition of the children. They should also ensure that the children are given medical interventions such as immunization, child monitoring and deworming. References Bredekamp, S. (1986). Developmentally appropriate practice. National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1834 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009-5786 (NAEYC Publication# 224, $3.00. No shipping charge on pre-paid orders). Diamond, A., Lee, K. (2011). Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children 4 to 12 years old. Science, 333(6045), 959-964. Ormrod, J. E. (2013). Educational Psychology: Pearson New International Edition: Developing Learners. Pearson Higher EdMcDevitt, T. M., Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Child development and education. Pearson College Division. Rivkin, M. S. (2006). Moving learning TOGETHER! Scholastic Early Childhood Today, 20(6), 32-34,36. Retrieved from proquest Sep 13.
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